All around us, the North Texas economy is recovering – but not for everyone. In fact, most single parents are struggling harder than ever to keep up:

North Texas Giving Day 2021 - Single Parent Advocate

• 1 in 3 children in North Texas are being raised by single parents
• 60% of single parents in North Texas are among the working poor
• Only 30% of available jobs in North Texas provide the income needed to raise two children self sufficiently.

Many single families have had to face and overcome the death of a spouse, the loss and division of divorce, or disease.  Many single parents face the challenges of work/life balance issues as well as their children.

Single Parent Advocate has been a valuable resource for single parents in North Texas since its inception 12 years ago. Single Parent Advocate stands in the gap for these families. We’re committed to making a difference by educating, equipping and empowering North Texas single parents and their children. Single parenting can be a daunting task, but our organization provides essential information and practical assistance to help these families overcome and succeed! We offer book scholarships so that single parents have access to higher education; we provide bikes for kids’ transportation needs such as school or work; and much more.

Click HERE  to support us financially, or join Single Parent Advocate’s Volunteering Community on this very special day!


North Texas Giving Day 2021

Communities Foundation of Texas’ NTX Giving Day is an 18-hour online giving event designed to empower every person to give back to their community by supporting local nonprofits and causes they care about in one easy-to-use platform.

The event helps build awareness and support for nonprofits like nothing else. In 2020, $58.8 million was raised through 106,000 donors benefiting over 3,200 local nonprofits, bringing the twelve-year total to over $375 million for our community. NTX Giving Day is the largest community-wide giving event in the nation.

Since its inception in 2009, this online event has transformed from an idea to help local people give wisely, to a movement that has ignited a broad culture of community-wide giving. During N TX Giving Day, everyone has the opportunity to be a philanthropist to build a stronger and more vibrant community.

Huge thanks to all who have supported us, and all who would consider doing so in the future!