Since 2009, Single Parent Advocate has worked together with supporters to make a real difference in the lives of single moms and dads everywhere.
While Single Parent Advocate is based in Dallas-Ft. Worth, we equip, empower, and encourage single parent families online in multiple locations through social media and The Single Parent Advocate Podcast. Single Parent Advocate has a Gold Seal of Transparency on Guidestar and a 5-Star Rating on Great NonProfits.
Your support means everything to our community. By making a donation today, you will be helping single moms and dads get the support they need to become self-sufficient and successful. Your generosity will make a difference in their lives – and the lives of their children.
We believe the best gift you can give a child is a happy, healthy, whole, and hopeful parent.
With your help, we can make this vision a reality – thank you for joining us on this mission. By giving you are truly Life Changers!
Thank you for your consideration and contribution!