
25 04, 2020

April, Showers…


Life can restart on that new shore only if we work together to weather the storm and arrive on the shore able to live in that new world to be built. ...The only thing we know for sure is that showers will come, showers will go, and every time things will be washed away and things will grow. We just have to be prepared to capture the rain, tie down the tools, and plant the things we want to grow in the seasons to follow the showers. ....Faith is eating and exercising as you know you should do without fail while hope is the goal you set for yourself to achieve and keep.

April, Showers…2020-04-25T19:41:19+00:00
7 04, 2020

Keeping Stress Relief in Mind for Single Families during COVID-19


It is SO important that we do not isolate and we don't teach our kids to isolate...Friends and family often have a hard time when they cannot be there for one another, especially if everyone is facing challenges. Be sure to manage expectations, and take the high road. Be vulnerable and love first, empathize and find a hand up from people who care more than you know :).

Keeping Stress Relief in Mind for Single Families during COVID-192020-04-07T01:35:45+00:00
28 03, 2020

Rewilding The American Boy


"...most boys in modern Western societies are coddled, over-protected, and sheltered, facing no greater discomfort than failing to reach the next level in their favorite video game. Only a handful, I suspect, would be able to find their way back home without a GPS."

Rewilding The American Boy2020-03-28T04:20:29+00:00
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