Nonprofit leadership is essential to our success. We are fortunate to have a board of directors comprised of experienced and passionate professionals, committed to providing direction and resources that help us achieve our mission.

The board is responsible for developing policy and overseeing the implementation of organizational strategies by the staff and volunteers. The board works hand-in-hand with the steering committee, who are also volunteers and help develop strategies to guide the board.

We are proud to have such a dedicated board, steering committee and volunteers who work diligently to build our organization. We believe that with their efforts, we can make a real difference in our community.

Huge thanks to the following leaders for their commitment, dedication, and influence on behalf of Single Parent Advocate and the families we support!

Executive Board of Directors

Stacie Martin
Stacie MartinPresident
Susan Hummel
Susan HummelVice President
Jeffrey Brewster
Jeffrey BrewsterFinancial Supervisor
Tina O'Banion
Tina O'BanionTreasurer
Lisa Burdick
Lisa BurdickSecretary

Advisory Counsel

Fred Whitfield
Fred Whitfield
Huffines Automotive Dealerships
Bill Wallace
Bill Wallace
Success North Dallas
Past President
Scott Murray
Scott Murray
Murray Media
Paul Dietzler
Paul Dietzler
Matthew Six Ministries &
Expo Home Improvement

Steering Committee

Pamela Childers
Pamela ChildersLogistics & Community Care
Mayada Naami
Mayada NaamiDevelopment & Sponsorships
Hilary Clary
Hilary ClaryPublic Relations & Marketing
Towonna Coleman
Towonna ColemanEducation & Mental Wellness
Thomas Frazier
Thomas FrazierDevelopment & Sponsorships
Jeanie Irvin
Jeanie IrvinFundraising & Volunteerism